pywebio.platform.httpbased 源代码


.. attention::
    PyWebIO 的会话状态保存在进程内,基于HTTP的会话不支持多进程部署的后端服务
    比如使用 ``uWSGI`` 部署后端服务,并使用 ``--processes n`` 选项设置了多进程;
    或者使用 ``nginx`` 等反向代理将流量负载到多个后端副本上。

import asyncio
import fnmatch
import json
import logging
import threading
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict

from .utils import make_applications, render_page, deserialize_binary_event
from ..session import CoroutineBasedSession, Session, ThreadBasedSession, register_session_implement_for_target
from ..session.base import get_session_info_from_headers
from ..utils import random_str, LRUDict, isgeneratorfunction, iscoroutinefunction, check_webio_js

class HttpContext:
    """一次Http请求的上下文, 不同的后端框架需要根据框架提供的方法实现本类的方法

    The context of an Http request"""

    backend_name = ''  # 当前使用的Web框架名

    def request_obj(self):
        Return the current request object"""

    def request_method(self):
        Return the HTTP method of the current request, uppercase"""

    def request_headers(self) -> dict:
        Return the header dictionary of the current request"""

    def request_url_parameter(self, name, default=None):
        Returns the value of the given URL parameter of the current request"""

    def request_body(self):
        Returns the data of the current request body

        :return: bytes/bytearray
        return b''

    def request_json(self) -> dict:
        Return the data (json deserialization) of the currently requested, if the data is not in json format, return None"""
            if self.request_headers().get('content-type') == 'application/octet-stream':
                return deserialize_binary_event(self.request_body())
            return json.loads(self.request_body())
        except Exception:
            return None

    def set_header(self, name, value):
        Set a header for the current response"""

    def set_status(self, status):
        """为当前响应设置http status
        Set http status for the current response"""

    def set_content(self, content, json_type=False):
        Set the content of the response. This method should only be called once

        :param str/bytes/json-able content:
        :param bool json_type: Whether to serialize content into json str and set content-type to application/json

    def get_response(self):
        Get the current response object"""

    def get_client_ip(self):
        Get the user's ip"""

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_event_loop = None

# todo: use lock to avoid thread race condition
[文档]class HttpHandler: """基于HTTP的后端Handler实现 .. note:: Don't need a lock when access HttpHandler._webio_sessions, See: """ # type: Dict[str, Session] _webio_sessions = {} # WebIOSessionID -> WebIOSession() _webio_expire = LRUDict() # WebIOSessionID -> last active timestamp. In increasing order of last active time _webio_expire_lock = threading.Lock() _last_check_session_expire_ts = 0 # Timestamp of the last check session validation # After processing the POST request, wait for WAIT_MS_ON_POST milliseconds before generate response WAIT_MS_ON_POST = 100 DEFAULT_SESSION_EXPIRE_SECONDS = 600 # Default session expiration time DEFAULT_SESSIONS_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = 300 # Default interval for clearing expired sessions (in seconds) @classmethod def _remove_expired_sessions(cls, session_expire_seconds): """清除当前会话列表中的过期会话""" logger.debug("removing expired sessions") while cls._webio_expire: sid, active_ts = cls._webio_expire.popitem(last=False) # 弹出最不活跃的session info if time.time() - active_ts < session_expire_seconds: # this session is not expired cls._webio_expire[sid] = active_ts cls._webio_expire.move_to_end(sid, last=False) break # clean this session logger.debug("session %s expired" % sid) session = cls._webio_sessions.get(sid) if session: session.close(nonblock=True) del cls._webio_sessions[sid] @classmethod def _remove_webio_session(cls, sid): cls._webio_sessions.pop(sid, None) cls._webio_expire.pop(sid, None) def _process_cors(self, context: HttpContext): """Handling cross-domain requests: check the source of the request and set headers""" origin = context.request_headers().get('Origin', '') if self.check_origin(origin): context.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin) context.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST') context.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'content-type, webio-session-id') context.set_header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', 'webio-session-id') context.set_header('Access-Control-Max-Age', str(1440 * 60)) def interval_cleaning(self): # clean up at intervals cls = type(self) need_clean = False if time.time() - cls._last_check_session_expire_ts > self.session_cleanup_interval: with cls._webio_expire_lock: if time.time() - cls._last_check_session_expire_ts > self.session_cleanup_interval: cls._last_check_session_expire_ts = time.time() need_clean = True if need_clean: cls._remove_expired_sessions(self.session_expire_seconds) def handle_request(self, context: HttpContext): try: with self.handle_request_context(context) as sleep_dur: if sleep_dur: time.sleep(sleep_dur) except RuntimeError: pass return context.get_response() async def handle_request_async(self, context: HttpContext): try: with self.handle_request_context(context) as sleep_dur: if sleep_dur: await asyncio.sleep(sleep_dur) except RuntimeError: pass return context.get_response()
[文档] @contextmanager def handle_request_context(self, context: HttpContext): """called when every http request""" cls = type(self) if _event_loop: asyncio.set_event_loop(_event_loop) request_headers = context.request_headers() # CORS process start ############################ if context.request_method() == 'OPTIONS': # preflight request for CORS self._process_cors(context) context.set_status(204) return context.get_response() if request_headers.get('Origin'): # set headers for CORS request self._process_cors(context) # CORS process end ############################ if context.request_url_parameter('test'): # 测试接口,当会话使用基于http的backend时,返回 ok context.set_content('ok') return context.get_response() # 对首页HTML的请求 if 'webio-session-id' not in request_headers: app = self.app_loader(context) html = render_page(app, protocol='http', cdn=self.cdn) context.set_content(html) return context.get_response() webio_session_id = None # 初始请求,创建新 Session if not request_headers['webio-session-id'] or request_headers['webio-session-id'] == 'NEW': if context.request_method() == 'POST': # 不能在POST请求中创建Session,防止CSRF攻击 context.set_status(403) return context.get_response() webio_session_id = random_str(24) context.set_header('webio-session-id', webio_session_id) session_info = get_session_info_from_headers(context.request_headers()) session_info['user_ip'] = context.get_client_ip() session_info['request'] = context.request_obj() session_info['backend'] = context.backend_name session_info['protocol'] = 'http' application = self.app_loader(context) if iscoroutinefunction(application) or isgeneratorfunction(application): session_cls = CoroutineBasedSession else: session_cls = ThreadBasedSession webio_session = session_cls(application, session_info=session_info) cls._webio_sessions[webio_session_id] = webio_session yield type(self).WAIT_MS_ON_POST / 1000.0 # <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- elif request_headers['webio-session-id'] not in cls._webio_sessions: # WebIOSession deleted context.set_content([dict(command='close_session')], json_type=True) return context.get_response() else: webio_session_id = request_headers['webio-session-id'] webio_session = cls._webio_sessions[webio_session_id] if context.request_method() == 'POST': # client push event if context.request_json() is not None: webio_session.send_client_event(context.request_json()) yield type(self).WAIT_MS_ON_POST / 1000.0 # <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- <--- elif context.request_method() == 'GET': # client pull messages pass cls._webio_expire[webio_session_id] = time.time() self.interval_cleaning() context.set_content(webio_session.get_task_commands(), json_type=True) if webio_session.closed(): self._remove_webio_session(webio_session_id) return context.get_response()
def __init__(self, applications=None, app_loader=None, cdn=True, session_expire_seconds=None, session_cleanup_interval=None, allowed_origins=None, check_origin=None): """Get the view function for running PyWebIO applications in Web framework. The view communicates with the client by HTTP protocol. :param callable app_loader: PyWebIO app factory, which receives the HttpContext instance as the parameter. Can not use `app_loader` and `applications` at the same time. The rest arguments of the constructor have the same meaning as for :func:`pywebio.platform.flask.start_server()` """ check_webio_js() cls = type(self) self.cdn = cdn self.check_origin = check_origin self.session_expire_seconds = session_expire_seconds or cls.DEFAULT_SESSION_EXPIRE_SECONDS self.session_cleanup_interval = session_cleanup_interval or cls.DEFAULT_SESSIONS_CLEANUP_INTERVAL assert applications is not None or app_loader is not None if applications is not None: applications = make_applications(applications) def get_app(context): app_name = context.request_url_parameter('app', 'index') return applications.get(app_name) or applications['index'] self.app_loader = app_loader or get_app for target in (applications or {}).values(): register_session_implement_for_target(target) if check_origin is None: self.check_origin = lambda origin: any( fnmatch.fnmatch(origin, patten) for patten in (allowed_origins or []) )
[文档]def run_event_loop(debug=False): """run asyncio event loop See also: :ref:`Integration coroutine-based session with Web framework <coroutine_web_integration>` :param debug: Set the debug mode of the event loop. See also: """ global _event_loop CoroutineBasedSession.event_loop_thread_id = threading.current_thread().ident _event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() _event_loop.set_debug(debug) asyncio.set_event_loop(_event_loop) _event_loop.run_forever()