پشتیبانی کتابخانه ها

ساخت اپ مستقل

PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a folder or executable. The user can run the packaged app without installing a Python interpreter or any modules.

You can use PyInstaller to packages PyWebIO application into a stand-alone executable or folder:

  1. Create a pyinstaller spec (specification) file:

    pyi-makespec <options> app.py

    You need replace app.py to your PyWebIO application file name.

  2. Edit the spec file, change the datas parameter of Analysis:

    from pywebio.utils import pyinstaller_datas
    a = Analysis(
  3. Build the application by passing the spec file to the pyinstaller command:

    pyinstaller app.spec

If you want to create a one-file bundled executable, you need pass --onefile option in first step.

For more information, please visit: https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/stable/spec-files.html

بصری سازی داده

PyWebIO supports for data visualization with the third-party libraries.


Bokeh is an interactive visualization library for modern web browsers. It provides elegant, concise construction of versatile graphics, and affords high-performance interactivity over large or streaming datasets.

You can use bokeh.io.output_notebook(notebook_type='pywebio') in the PyWebIO session to setup Bokeh environment. Then you can use bokeh.io.show() to output a boken chart:

from bokeh.io import output_notebook
from bokeh.io import show

fig = figure(...)

See related demo on bokeh demo

In addition to creating ordinary charts, Bokeh can also build the Bokeh applications by starting the Bokeh server. The purpose of the Bokeh server is to make it easy for Python users to create interactive web applications that can connect front-end UI events to real, running Python code.

In PyWebIO, you can also use bokeh.io.show() to display a Bokeh App. For the example, see bokeh_app.py.


Bokeh App currently is only available in the default Tornado backend



pyecharts is a python plotting library which uses Echarts as underlying implementation.

In PyWebIO, you can use the following code to output the pyecharts chart instance:

# `chart` is pyecharts chart instance

See related demo on pyecharts demo



plotly.py is an interactive, open-source, and browser-based graphing library for Python.

In PyWebIO, you can use the following code to output the plotly chart instance:

# `fig` is plotly chart instance
html = fig.to_html(include_plotlyjs="require", full_html=False)

See related demo on plotly demo



pyg2plot is a python plotting library which uses G2Plot as underlying implementation.

In PyWebIO, you can use the following code to output the pyg2plot chart instance:

# `chart` is pyg2plot chart instance

See related demo on plotly demo


cutecharts.py is a hand drawing style charts library for Python which uses chart.xkcd as underlying implementation.

In PyWebIO, you can use the following code to output the cutecharts.py chart instance:

# `chart` is cutecharts chart instance

See related demo on cutecharts demo
