Source code for pywebio.output

This module provides functions to output all kinds of content to the user's browser, and supply flexible output control.

.. _output_func_list:

Functions list
  Use to generate/update below table

| The following table shows the output-related functions provided by PyWebIO.
| The functions marked with ``*`` indicate that they accept ``put_xxx`` calls as arguments.
| The functions marked with ``†`` indicate that they can use as context manager.

|                    | **Name**                  | **Description**                                            |
| Output Scope       | `set_scope`               | Create a new scope                                         |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `get_scope`               | Get the scope name in the runtime scope stack              |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `clear`                   | Clear the content of scope                                 |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `remove`                  | Remove the scope                                           |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `scroll_to`               | Scroll the page to the scope                               |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `use_scope`:sup:`†`       | Open or enter a scope                                      |
| Content Outputting | `put_text`                | Output plain text                                          |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_markdown`            | Output Markdown                                            |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | | `put_info`:sup:`*†`     | Output Messages.                                           |
|                    | | `put_success`:sup:`*†`  |                                                            |
|                    | | `put_warning`:sup:`*†`  |                                                            |
|                    | | `put_error`:sup:`*†`    |                                                            |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_html`                | Output html                                                |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_link`                | Output link                                                |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_processbar`          | Output a process bar                                       |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `set_processbar`          | Set the progress of progress bar                           |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_loading`:sup:`†`     | Output loading prompt                                      |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_code`                | Output code block                                          |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_table`:sup:`*`       | Output table                                               |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | | `put_button`            | Output button and bind click event                         |
|                    | | `put_buttons`           |                                                            |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_image`               | Output image                                               |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_file`                | Output a link to download a file                           |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_tabs`:sup:`*`        | Output tabs                                                |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_collapse`:sup:`*†`   | Output collapsible content                                 |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_scrollable`:sup:`*†` | | Output a fixed height content area,                      |
|                    |                           | | scroll bar is displayed when the content                 |
|                    |                           | | exceeds the limit                                        |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_widget`:sup:`*`      | Output your own widget                                     |
| Other Interactions | `toast`                   | Show a notification message                                |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `popup`:sup:`*†`          | Show popup                                                 |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `close_popup`             | Close the current popup window.                            |
| Layout and Style   | `put_row`:sup:`*†`        | Use row layout to output content                           |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_column`:sup:`*†`     | Use column layout to output content                        |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `put_grid`:sup:`*`        | Output content using grid layout                           |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `span`                    | Cross-cell content                                         |
|                    +---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    | `style`:sup:`*`           | Customize the css style of output content                  |
| Placeholder        | `output`:sup:`*`          | Placeholder of output                                      |

Output Scope

.. seealso::

   * :ref:`Use Guide: Output Scope <output_scope>`

.. autofunction:: set_scope
.. autofunction:: get_scope
.. autofunction:: clear
.. autofunction:: remove
.. autofunction:: scroll_to
.. autofunction:: use_scope

Content Outputting

.. _scope_param:

**Scope related parameters of output function**

The output function will output the content to the "current scope" by default, and the "current scope" for the runtime
context can be set by `use_scope()`.

In addition, all output functions support a ``scope`` parameter to specify the destination scope to output:

.. exportable-codeblock::
    :name: put-xxx-scope
    :summary: ``scope`` parameter of the output function

    with use_scope('scope3'):
        put_text('text1 in scope3')   # output to current scope: scope3
        put_text('text in ROOT scope', scope='ROOT')   # output to ROOT Scope

    put_text('text2 in scope3', scope='scope3')   # output to scope3

The results of the above code are as follows::

    text1 in scope3
    text2 in scope3
    text in ROOT scope

A scope can contain multiple output items, the default behavior of output function is to append its content to target scope.
The ``position`` parameter of output function can be used to specify the insert position in target scope.

Each output item in a scope has an index, the first item's index is 0, and the next item's index is incremented by one.
You can also use a negative number to index the items in the scope, -1 means the last item, -2 means the item before the last, ...

The ``position`` parameter of output functions accepts an integer. When ``position>=0``, it means to insert content
before the item whose index equal ``position``; when ``position<0``, it means to insert content after the item whose
index equal ``position``:

.. exportable-codeblock::
    :name: put-xxx-position
    :summary: `position` parameter of the output function

    with use_scope('scope1'):
    ## ----
    with use_scope('scope1'):  # ..demo-only
        put_text('B', position=0)   # insert B before A -> B A
    ## ----
    with use_scope('scope1'):  # ..demo-only
        put_text('C', position=-2)  # insert C after B -> B C A
    ## ----
    with use_scope('scope1'):  # ..demo-only
        put_text('D', position=1)   # insert D before C B -> B D C A

**Output functions**

.. autofunction:: put_text
.. autofunction:: put_markdown

.. py:function:: put_info(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=-1) -> Output:
                 put_success(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=-1) -> Output:
                 put_warning(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=-1) -> Output:
                 put_error(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=-1) -> Output:

    Output Messages.

    :param contents: Message contents.
       The item is ``put_xxx()`` call, and any other type will be coverted to ``put_text(content)``.
    :param bool closable: Whether to show a dismiss button on the right of the message.
    :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()`

    .. versionadded:: 1.2

.. autofunction:: put_html
.. autofunction:: put_link
.. autofunction:: put_processbar
.. autofunction:: set_processbar
.. autofunction:: put_loading
.. autofunction:: put_code
.. autofunction:: put_table
.. autofunction:: span
.. autofunction:: put_buttons
.. autofunction:: put_button
.. autofunction:: put_image
.. autofunction:: put_file
.. autofunction:: put_tabs
.. autofunction:: put_collapse
.. autofunction:: put_scrollable
.. autofunction:: put_widget

Other Interactions
.. autofunction:: toast
.. autofunction:: popup
.. autofunction:: close_popup

.. _style_and_layout:

Layout and Style
.. autofunction:: put_row
.. autofunction:: put_column
.. autofunction:: put_grid
.. autofunction:: style

.. autofunction:: output

import html
import io
import logging
import string
from base64 import b64encode
from import Mapping, Sequence
from functools import wraps
from typing import Union

from .io_ctrl import output_register_callback, send_msg, Output, safely_destruct_output_when_exp, OutputList, scope2dom
from .session import get_current_session, download
from .utils import random_str, iscoroutinefunction, is_html_safe_value

    from PIL.Image import Image as PILImage
except ImportError:
    PILImage = type('MockPILImage', (), dict(__init__=None))

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['Position', 'remove', 'scroll_to', 'put_tabs',
           'put_text', 'put_html', 'put_code', 'put_markdown', 'use_scope', 'set_scope', 'clear', 'remove',
           'put_table', 'put_buttons', 'put_image', 'put_file', 'PopupSize', 'popup', 'put_button',
           'close_popup', 'put_widget', 'put_collapse', 'put_link', 'put_scrollable', 'style', 'put_column',
           'put_row', 'put_grid', 'span', 'put_processbar', 'set_processbar', 'put_loading',
           'output', 'toast', 'get_scope', 'put_info', 'put_error', 'put_warning', 'put_success']

# popup size
class PopupSize:
    LARGE = 'large'
    NORMAL = 'normal'
    SMALL = 'small'

class Position:
    TOP = 'top'
    MIDDLE = 'middle'
    BOTTOM = 'bottom'

# position value of `put_xxx()`
class OutputPosition:
    TOP = 0
    BOTTOM = -1

_scope_name_allowed_chars = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-')

[docs]def set_scope(name, container_scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM, if_exist=None): """Create a new scope. :param str name: scope name :param str container_scope: Specify the parent scope of this scope. When the scope doesn't exist, no operation is performed. :param int position: The location where this scope is created in the parent scope. (see :ref:`Scope related parameters <scope_param>`) :param str if_exist: What to do when the specified scope already exists: - `None`: Do nothing - `'remove'`: Remove the old scope first and then create a new one - `'clear'`: Just clear the contents of the old scope, but don't create a new scope Default is `None` """ if container_scope is None: container_scope = get_scope() assert is_html_safe_value(name), "Scope name only allow letter/digit/'_'/'-' char." send_msg('output_ctl', dict(set_scope=scope2dom(name, no_css_selector=True), container=scope2dom(container_scope), position=position, if_exist=if_exist))
[docs]def get_scope(stack_idx=-1): """Get the scope name of runtime scope stack :param int stack_idx: The index of the runtime scope stack. Default is -1. 0 means the top level scope(the ``ROOT`` Scope), -1 means the current Scope, -2 means the scope used before entering the current scope, ... :return: Returns the scope name with the index, and returns ``None`` when occurs index error """ try: return get_current_session().get_scope_name(stack_idx) except IndexError: logger.exception("Scope stack index error") return None
[docs]def clear(scope=None): """Clear the content of the specified scope :param str scope: Target scope name. Default is the current scope. """ if scope is None: scope = get_scope() send_msg('output_ctl', dict(clear=scope2dom(scope)))
[docs]def remove(scope=None): """Remove the specified scope :param str scope: Target scope name. Default is the current scope. """ if scope is None: scope = get_scope() assert scope != 'ROOT', "Can not remove `ROOT` scope." send_msg('output_ctl', dict(remove=scope2dom(scope)))
[docs]def scroll_to(scope=None, position=Position.TOP): """ Scroll the page to the specified scope :param str scope: Target scope. Default is the current scope. :param str position: Where to place the scope in the visible area of the page. Available value: * ``'top'`` : Keep the scope at the top of the visible area of the page * ``'middle'`` : Keep the scope at the middle of the visible area of the page * ``'bottom'`` : Keep the scope at the bottom of the visible area of the page """ if scope is None: scope = get_scope() send_msg('output_ctl', dict(scroll_to=scope2dom(scope), position=position))
def _get_output_spec(type, scope, position, **other_spec): """ get the spec dict of output functions :param str type: output type :param str scope: target scope :param int position: :param other_spec: Additional output parameters, the None value will not be included in the return value :return dict: ``spec`` field of ``output`` command """ spec = dict(type=type) # add non-None arguments to spec spec.update({k: v for k, v in other_spec.items() if v is not None}) if not scope: scope_name = get_scope() else: scope_name = scope spec['scope'] = scope2dom(scope_name) spec['position'] = position return spec
[docs]def put_text(*texts, sep=' ', inline=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """ Output plain text :param texts: Texts need to output. The type can be any object, and the `str()` function will be used for non-string objects. :param str sep: The separator between the texts :param bool inline: Use text as an inline element (no line break at the end of the text). Default is ``False`` :param str scope: The target scope to output. If the scope does not exist, no operation will be performed. Can specify the scope name or use a integer to index the runtime scope stack. :param int position: The position where the content is output in target scope For more information about ``scope`` and ``position`` parameter, please refer to :ref:`User Manual <scope_param>` """ content = sep.join(str(i) for i in texts) spec = _get_output_spec('text', content=content, inline=inline, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
def _put_message(color, contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: tpl = r""" <div class="alert alert-{{color}} {{#dismissible}}alert-dismissible fade show{{/dismissible}}" role="alert"> {{#contents}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/contents}} {{#dismissible}} <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> {{/dismissible}} </div>""".strip() contents = [c if isinstance(c, Output) else put_text(c) for c in contents] return put_widget(template=tpl, data=dict(color=color, contents=contents, dismissible=closable), scope=scope, position=position).enable_context_manager()
[docs]def put_info(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output information message. :param contents: Message contents. The item is ``put_xxx()`` call, and any other type will be coverted to ``put_text(content)``. :param bool closable: Whether to show a dismiss button on the right of the message. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` .. versionadded:: 1.2 """ return _put_message(color='info', contents=contents, closable=closable, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_success(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output success message. .. seealso:: `put_info()` .. versionadded:: 1.2 """ return _put_message(color='success', contents=contents, closable=closable, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_warning(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output warning message. .. seealso:: `put_info()` """ return _put_message(color='warning', contents=contents, closable=closable, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_error(*contents, closable=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output error message. .. seealso:: `put_info()` """ return _put_message(color='danger', contents=contents, closable=closable, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_html(html, sanitize=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """ Output HTML content :param html: html string :param bool sanitize: Whether to use `DOMPurify <>`_ to filter the content to prevent XSS attacks. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` """ # Compatible with ipython rich output # See: if hasattr(html, '__html__'): html = html.__html__() elif hasattr(html, '_repr_html_'): html = html._repr_html_() spec = _get_output_spec('html', content=html, sanitize=sanitize, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
[docs]def put_code(content, language='', rows=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """ Output code block :param str content: code string :param str language: language of code :param int rows: The max lines of code can be displayed, no limit by default. The scroll bar will be displayed when the content exceeds. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` """ if not isinstance(content, str): content = str(content) # For fenced code blocks, escaping the backtick need to use more backticks backticks = '```' while backticks in content: backticks += '`' code = "%s%s\n%s\n%s" % (backticks, language, content, backticks) out = put_markdown(code, scope=scope, position=position) if rows is not None: max_height = rows * 19 + 32 # 32 is the code css padding"max-height: %spx" % max_height) return out
[docs]def put_markdown(mdcontent, strip_indent=0, lstrip=False, options=None, sanitize=True, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """ Output Markdown :param str mdcontent: Markdown string :param int strip_indent: For each line of ``mdcontent``, if the first ``strip_indent`` characters are spaces, remove them :param bool lstrip: Whether to remove the whitespace at the beginning of each line of ``mdcontent`` :param dict options: Configuration when parsing Markdown. PyWebIO uses `marked <>`_ library to parse Markdown, the parse options see: (Only supports members of string and boolean type) :param bool sanitize: Whether to use `DOMPurify <>`_ to filter the content to prevent XSS attacks. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` When using Python triple quotes syntax to output multi-line Markdown in a function, if you indent the Markdown text, you can use ``strip_indent`` or ``lstrip`` to prevent Markdown from parsing errors (But do not use ``strip_indent`` and ``lstrip`` at the same time):: # It is ugly without strip_indent or lstrip def hello(): put_markdown(r\""" # H1 This is content. \""") # Using lstrip to get beautiful indent def hello(): put_markdown(r\""" # H1 This is content. \""", lstrip=True) # Using strip_indent to get beautiful indent def hello(): put_markdown(r\""" # H1 This is content. \""", strip_indent=4) """ if strip_indent: lines = ( i[strip_indent:] if (i[:strip_indent] == ' ' * strip_indent) else i for i in mdcontent.splitlines() ) mdcontent = '\n'.join(lines) if lstrip: lines = (i.lstrip() for i in mdcontent.splitlines()) mdcontent = '\n'.join(lines) spec = _get_output_spec('markdown', content=mdcontent, options=options, sanitize=sanitize, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
class span_: def __init__(self, content, row=1, col=1): self.content, self.row, self.col = content, row, col
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def span(content, row=1, col=1): """Create cross-cell content in :func:`put_table()` and :func:`put_grid()` :param content: cell content. It can be a string or ``put_xxx()`` call. :param int row: Vertical span, that is, the number of spanning rows :param int col: Horizontal span, that is, the number of spanning columns :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: span :summary: Create cross-cell content with `span()` put_table([ ['C'], [span('E', col=2)], # 'E' across 2 columns ], header=[span('A', row=2), 'B']) # 'A' across 2 rows put_grid([ [put_text('A'), put_text('B')], [span(put_text('A'), col=2)], # 'A' across 2 columns ]) """ return span_(content, row, col)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('tdata') def put_table(tdata, header=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """ Output table :param list tdata: Table data, which can be a two-dimensional list or a list of dict. The table cell can be a string or ``put_xxx()`` call. The cell can use the :func:`span()` to set the cell span. :param list header: Table header. When the item of ``tdata`` is of type ``list``, if the ``header`` parameter is omitted, the first item of ``tdata`` will be used as the header. The header item can also use the :func:`span()` function to set the cell span. When ``tdata`` is list of dict, ``header`` is used to specify the order of table headers, which cannot be omitted. In this case, the ``header`` can be a list of dict key or a list of ``(<label>, <dict key>)``. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_table :summary: Output table with `put_table()` # 'Name' cell across 2 rows, 'Address' cell across 2 columns put_table([ [span('Name',row=2), span('Address', col=2)], ['City', 'Country'], ['Wang', 'Beijing', 'China'], ['Liu', 'New York', 'America'], ]) ## ---- # Use `put_xxx()` in `put_table()` put_table([ ['Type', 'Content'], ['html', put_html('X<sup>2</sup>')], ['text', '<hr/>'], ['buttons', put_buttons(['A', 'B'], onclick=...)], # ..doc-only ['buttons', put_buttons(['A', 'B'], onclick=put_text)], # ..demo-only ['markdown', put_markdown('`Awesome PyWebIO!`')], ['file', put_file('hello.text', b'hello world')], ['table', put_table([['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']])] ]) ## ---- # Set table header put_table([ ['Wang', 'M', 'China'], ['Liu', 'W', 'America'], ], header=['Name', 'Gender', 'Address']) ## ---- # When ``tdata`` is list of dict put_table([ {"Course":"OS", "Score": "80"}, {"Course":"DB", "Score": "93"}, ], header=["Course", "Score"]) # or header=[(put_markdown("*Course*"), "Course"), (put_markdown("*Score*") ,"Score")] .. versionadded:: 0.3 The cell of table support ``put_xxx()`` calls. """ # Change ``dict`` row table to list row table if tdata and isinstance(tdata[0], dict): if isinstance(header[0], (list, tuple)): header_ = [h[0] for h in header] order = [h[-1] for h in header] else: header_ = order = header tdata = [ [row.get(k, '') for k in order] for row in tdata ] header = header_ else: tdata = [list(i) for i in tdata] # copy data if header: tdata = [header, *tdata] span = {} for x in range(len(tdata)): for y in range(len(tdata[x])): cell = tdata[x][y] if isinstance(cell, span_): tdata[x][y] = cell.content span['%s,%s' % (x, y)] = dict(col=cell.col, row=cell.row) elif not isinstance(cell, Output): tdata[x][y] = str(cell) spec = _get_output_spec('table', data=tdata, span=span, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
def _format_button(buttons): """ Format `buttons` parameter in `put_buttons()` :param buttons: {label:, value:, } (label, value, ) single value, label=value :return: [{value:, label:, }, ...] """ btns = [] for btn in buttons: if isinstance(btn, Mapping): assert 'value' in btn and 'label' in btn, 'actions item must have value and label key' elif isinstance(btn, (list, tuple)): assert len(btn) == 2, 'actions item format error' btn = dict(zip(('label', 'value'), btn)) else: btn = dict(value=btn, label=btn) btns.append(btn) return btns
[docs]def put_buttons(buttons, onclick, small=None, link_style=False, outline=False, group=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM, **callback_options) -> Output: """ Output a group of buttons and bind click event :param list buttons: Button list. The available formats of list items are: * dict: ``{label:(str)button label, value:(str)button value, color:(str, optional)button color}`` * tuple or list: ``(label, value)`` * single value: label and value of option use the same value The ``value`` of button can be any JSON serializable object. The ``color`` of button can be one of: `primary`, `secondary`, `success`, `danger`, `warning`, `info`, `light`, `dark`. Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_buttons-btn_class :summary: `put_buttons()` put_buttons([dict(label='success', value='s', color='success')], onclick=...) # ..doc-only put_buttons([ # ..demo-only dict(label=i, value=i, color=i) # ..demo-only for i in ['primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark'] # ..demo-only ], onclick=put_text) # ..demo-only :type onclick: callable / list :param onclick: Callback which will be called when button is clicked. ``onclick`` can be a callable object or a list of it. If ``onclick`` is callable object, its signature is ``onclick(btn_value)``. ``btn_value`` is ``value`` of the button that is clicked. If ``onclick`` is a list, the item receives no parameter. In this case, each item in the list corresponds to the buttons one-to-one. Tip: You can use ``functools.partial`` to save more context information in ``onclick``. Note: When in :ref:`Coroutine-based session <coroutine_based_session>`, the callback can be a coroutine function. :param bool small: Whether to use small size button. Default is False. :param bool link_style: Whether to use link style button. Default is False :param bool outline: Whether to use outline style button. Default is False :param bool group: Whether to group the buttons together. Default is False :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` :param callback_options: Other options of the ``onclick`` callback. There are different options according to the session implementation When in Coroutine-based Session: * mutex_mode: Default is ``False``. If set to ``True``, new click event will be ignored when the current callback is running. This option is available only when ``onclick`` is a coroutine function. When in Thread-based Session: * serial_mode: Default is ``False``, and every time a callback is triggered, the callback function will be executed immediately in a new thread. If set ``serial_mode`` to ``True`` After enabling serial_mode, the button's callback will be executed serially in a resident thread in the session, and all other new click event callbacks (including the ``serial_mode=False`` callback) will be queued for the current click event to complete. If the callback function runs for a short time, you can turn on ``serial_mode`` to improve performance. Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_buttons :summary: `put_buttons()` usage from functools import partial def row_action(choice, id): put_text("You click %s button with id: %s" % (choice, id)) put_buttons(['edit', 'delete'], onclick=partial(row_action, id=1)) ## ---- def edit(): put_text("You click edit button") def delete(): put_text("You click delete button") put_buttons(['edit', 'delete'], onclick=[edit, delete]) """ btns = _format_button(buttons) if isinstance(onclick, Sequence): assert len(btns) == len(onclick), "`onclick` and `buttons` must be same length." onclick = {btn['value']: callback for btn, callback in zip(btns, onclick)} def click_callback(btn_val): if isinstance(onclick, dict): return onclick[btn_val]() else: return onclick(btn_val) callback_id = output_register_callback(click_callback, **callback_options) spec = _get_output_spec('buttons', callback_id=callback_id, buttons=btns, small=small, scope=scope, position=position, link=link_style, outline=outline, group=group) return Output(spec)
[docs]def put_button(label, onclick, color=None, small=None, link_style=False, outline=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output a single button and bind click event to it. :param str label: Button label :param callable onclick: Callback which will be called when button is clicked. :param str color: The color of the button, can be one of: `primary`, `secondary`, `success`, `danger`, `warning`, `info`, `light`, `dark`. :param - small, link_style, outline, scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_buttons()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_button :summary: `put_button()` usage put_button("click me", onclick=lambda: toast("Clicked"), color='success', outline=True) .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ return put_buttons([{'label': label, 'value': '', 'color': color or 'primary'}], onclick=[onclick], small=small, link_style=link_style, outline=outline, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_image(src, format=None, title='', width=None, height=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output image :param src: Source of image. It can be a string specifying image URL, a bytes-like object specifying the binary content of an image or an instance of ``PIL.Image.Image`` :param str title: Image description. :param str width: The width of image. It can be CSS pixels (like `'30px'`) or percentage (like `'10%'`). :param str height: The height of image. It can be CSS pixels (like `'30px'`) or percentage (like `'10%'`). If only one value of ``width`` and ``height`` is specified, the browser will scale image according to its original size. :param str format: Image format, optinoal. e.g.: ``png``, ``jpeg``, ``gif``, etc. Only available when `src` is non-URL :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_image :summary: `put_image()` usage from pywebio import STATIC_PATH # ..demo-only img = open(STATIC_PATH + '/image/favicon_open_32.png', 'rb').read() # ..demo-only img = open('/path/to/some/image.png', 'rb').read() # ..doc-only put_image(img, width='50px') ## ---- put_image('') """ if isinstance(src, PILImage): format = format or src.format or 'JPEG' imgByteArr = io.BytesIO(), format=format) src = imgByteArr.getvalue() if isinstance(src, (bytes, bytearray)): b64content = b64encode(src).decode('ascii') format = '' if format is None else ('image/%s' % format) format = html.escape(format, quote=True) src = "data:{format};base64, {b64content}".format(format=format, b64content=b64content) width = 'width="%s"' % html.escape(width, quote=True) if width is not None else '' height = 'height="%s"' % html.escape(height, quote=True) if height is not None else '' tag = r'<img src="{src}" alt="{title}" {width} {height}/>'.format(src=src, title=html.escape(title, quote=True), height=height, width=width) return put_html(tag, scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def put_file(name, content, label=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output a link to download a file To show a link with the file name on the browser. When click the link, the browser automatically downloads the file. :param str name: File name when downloading :param content: File content. It is a bytes-like object :param str label: The label of the download link, which is the same as the file name by default. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_file :summary: `put_file()` usage put_file('hello-world.txt', b'hello world!', 'download me') """ if label is None: label = name output = put_buttons(buttons=[label], link_style=True, onclick=[lambda: download(name, content)], scope=scope, position=position) return output
[docs]def put_processbar(name, init=0, label=None, auto_close=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output a process bar :param str name: The name of the progress bar, which is the unique identifier of the progress bar :param float init: The initial progress value of the progress bar. The value is between 0 and 1 :param str label: The label of process bar. The default is the percentage value of the current progress. :param bool auto_close: Whether to remove the progress bar after the progress is completed :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_processbar :summary: `put_processbar()` usage import time put_processbar('bar'); for i in range(1, 11): set_processbar('bar', i / 10) time.sleep(0.1) """ processbar_id = 'webio-processbar-%s' % name percentage = init * 100 label = '%.1f%%' % percentage if label is None else label tpl = """<div class="progress" style="margin-top: 4px;"> <div id="{{elem_id}}" class="progress-bar bg-info progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" role="progressbar" style="width: {{percentage}}%;" aria-valuenow="{{init}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="1" data-auto-close="{{auto_close}}">{{label}} </div> </div>""" return put_widget(tpl, data=dict(elem_id=processbar_id, init=init, label=label, percentage=percentage, auto_close=int(bool(auto_close))), scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]def set_processbar(name, value, label=None): """Set the progress of progress bar :param str name: The name of the progress bar :param float value: The progress value of the progress bar. The value is between 0 and 1 :param str label: The label of process bar. The default is the percentage value of the current progress. See also: `put_processbar()` """ from pywebio.session import run_js processbar_id = 'webio-processbar-%s' % name percentage = value * 100 label = '%.1f%%' % percentage if label is None else label js_code = """ let bar = $("#{processbar_id}"); bar[0].style.width = "{percentage}%"; bar.attr("aria-valuenow", "{value}"); bar.text({label!r}); """.format(processbar_id=processbar_id, percentage=percentage, value=value, label=label) if value == 1: js_code += "if('autoClose')=='1')bar.parent().remove();" run_js(js_code)
[docs]def put_loading(shape='border', color='dark', scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output loading prompt :param str shape: The shape of loading prompt. The available values are: `'border'` (default)、 `'grow'` :param str color: The color of loading prompt. The available values are: `'primary'` 、 `'secondary'` 、 `'success'` 、 `'danger'` 、 `'warning'` 、`'info'` 、`'light'` 、 `'dark'` (default) :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` `put_loading()` can be used in 2 ways: direct call and context manager: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_loading :summary: `put_loading()` usage for shape in ('border', 'grow'): for color in ('primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark'): put_text(shape, color) put_loading(shape=shape, color=color) ## ---- import time # ..demo-only # Use as context manager, the loading prompt will disappear automatically when the context block exits. with put_loading(): time.sleep(3) # Some time-consuming operations put_text("The answer of the universe is 42") ## ---- # using style() to set the size of the loading prompt put_loading().style('width:4rem; height:4rem') """ assert shape in ('border', 'grow'), "shape must in ('border', 'grow')" assert color in {'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', 'dark'} html = """<div class="spinner-{shape} text-{color}" role="status"> <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span> </div>""".format(shape=shape, color=color) scope_name = random_str(10) def enter(self): self.spec['container_dom_id'] = scope2dom(scope_name, no_css_selector=True) self.send() return scope_name def exit_(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): remove(scope_name) return False # Propagate Exception return put_html(html, sanitize=False, scope=scope, position=position). \ enable_context_manager(custom_enter=enter, custom_exit=exit_)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def put_collapse(title, content=[], open=False, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output collapsible content :param str title: Title of content :type content: list/str/put_xxx() :param content: The content can be a string, the ``put_xxx()`` calls , or a list of them. :param bool open: Whether to expand the content. Default is ``False``. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_collapse :summary: `put_collapse()` usage put_collapse('Collapse title', [ 'text', put_markdown('~~Strikethrough~~'), put_table([ ['Commodity', 'Price'], ['Apple', '5.5'], ]) ], open=True) ## ---- put_collapse('Large text', 'Awesome PyWebIO! '*30) """ if not isinstance(content, (list, tuple, OutputList)): content = [content] for item in content: assert isinstance(item, (str, Output)), "put_collapse() content must be list of str/put_xxx()" tpl = """<details {{#open}}open{{/open}}> <summary>{{title}}</summary> {{#contents}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/contents}} </details>""" return put_widget(tpl, dict(title=title, contents=content, open=open), scope=scope, position=position).enable_context_manager()
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def put_scrollable(content=[], height=400, keep_bottom=False, horizon_scroll=False, border=True, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM, **kwargs) -> Output: """Output a fixed height content area. scroll bar is displayed when the content exceeds the limit :type content: list/str/put_xxx() :param content: The content can be a string, the ``put_xxx()`` calls , or a list of them. :param int/tuple height: The height of the area (in pixels). ``height`` parameter also accepts ``(min_height, max_height)`` to indicate the range of height, for example, ``(100, 200)`` means that the area has a minimum height of 100 pixels and a maximum of 200 pixels. :param bool horizon_scroll: Whether to use the horizontal scroll bar :param bool border: Whether to show border :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_scrollable :summary: `put_scrollable()` usage import time o = output("You can click the area to prevent auto scroll.") put_scrollable(o, height=200, keep_bottom=True) while 1: o.append(time.time()) time.sleep(0.5) .. versionchanged:: 1.1 add ``height`` parameter,remove ``max_height`` parameter; add ``keep_bottom`` parameter """ if not isinstance(content, (list, tuple, OutputList)): content = [content] content = [i if isinstance(i, Output) else put_text(i) for i in content] if 'max_height' in kwargs: import warnings warnings.warn("`max_height` parameter is deprecated in `put_scrollable()`, use `height` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) height = kwargs['max_height'] # Backward compatible try: min_height, max_height = height except Exception: min_height, max_height = height, height dom_id = 'pywebio-%s' % random_str(10) tpl = """<div id="{{dom_id}}" {{#keep_bottom}}tabindex="0"{{/keep_bottom}} style="min-height: {{min_height}}px; max-height: {{max_height}}px; overflow-y: scroll; {{#horizon_scroll}}overflow-x: scroll;{{/horizon_scroll}} {{#border}} border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.125); box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); {{/border}} padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"> {{#contents}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/contents}} </div>""" if keep_bottom: tpl += """ <script> (function(){ let div = document.getElementById(%r), stop=false; $(div).on('focusin', function(e){ stop=true }).on('focusout', function(e){ stop=false });; new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observe) { if(!stop) $(div).stop().animate({ scrollTop: $(div).prop("scrollHeight")}, 200); }).observe(div, { childList: true, subtree:true }); })(); </script> """ % dom_id return put_widget(template=tpl, data=dict(dom_id=dom_id, contents=content, min_height=min_height, max_height=max_height, keep_bottom=keep_bottom, horizon_scroll=horizon_scroll, border=border), scope=scope, position=position).enable_context_manager()
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('tabs') def put_tabs(tabs, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output tabs. :param list tabs: Tab list, each item is a dict: ``{"title": "Title", "content": ...}`` . The ``content`` can be a string, the ``put_xxx()`` calls , or a list of them. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_tabs :summary: `put_tabs()` usage put_tabs([ {'title': 'Text', 'content': 'Hello world'}, {'title': 'Markdown', 'content': put_markdown('~~Strikethrough~~')}, {'title': 'More content', 'content': [ put_table([ ['Commodity', 'Price'], ['Apple', '5.5'], ['Banana', '7'], ]), put_link('pywebio', '') ]}, ]) .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ for tab in tabs: assert 'title' in tab and 'content' in tab spec = _get_output_spec('tabs', tabs=tabs, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('data') def put_widget(template, data, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output your own widget :param template: html template, using `mustache.js <>`_ syntax :param dict data: Data used to render the template. The data can include the ``put_xxx()`` calls, and the JS function ``pywebio_output_parse`` can be used to parse the content of ``put_xxx()``. For string input, ``pywebio_output_parse`` will parse into text. ⚠️:When using the ``pywebio_output_parse`` function, you need to turn off the html escaping of mustache: ``{{& pywebio_output_parse}}``, see the example below. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_widget :summary: Use `put_widget()` to output your own widget tpl = ''' <details {{#open}}open{{/open}}> <summary>{{title}}</summary> {{#contents}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/contents}} </details> ''' put_widget(tpl, { "open": True, "title": 'More content', "contents": [ 'text', put_markdown('~~Strikethrough~~'), put_table([ ['Commodity', 'Price'], ['Apple', '5.5'], ['Banana', '7'], ]) ] }) """ spec = _get_output_spec('custom_widget', template=template, data=data, scope=scope, position=position) return Output(spec)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def put_row(content=[], size=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Use row layout to output content. The content is arranged horizontally :param list content: Content list, the item is ``put_xxx()`` call or ``None``. ``None`` represents the space between the output :param str size: | Used to indicate the width of the items, is a list of width values separated by space. | Each width value corresponds to the items one-to-one. (``None`` item should also correspond to a width value). | By default, ``size`` assigns a width of 10 pixels to the ``None`` item, and distributes the width equally to the remaining items. Available format of width value are: - pixels: like ``100px`` - percentage: Indicates the percentage of available width. like ``33.33%`` - ``fr`` keyword: Represents a scale relationship, 2fr represents twice the width of 1fr - ``auto`` keyword: Indicates that the length is determined by the browser - ``minmax(min, max)`` : Generate a length range, indicating that the length is within this range. It accepts two parameters, minimum and maximum. For example: ``minmax(100px, 1fr)`` means the length is not less than 100px and not more than 1fr :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_row :summary: `put_row()` usage # Two code blocks of equal width, separated by 10 pixels put_row([put_code('A'), None, put_code('B')]) ## ---- # The width ratio of the left and right code blocks is 2:3, which is equivalent to size='2fr 10px 3fr' put_row([put_code('A'), None, put_code('B')], size='40% 10px 60%') """ return _row_column_layout(content, flow='column', size=size, scope=scope, position=position).enable_context_manager()
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def put_column(content=[], size=None, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Use column layout to output content. The content is arranged vertically :param list content: Content list, the item is ``put_xxx()`` call or ``None``. ``None`` represents the space between the output :param str size: Used to indicate the width of the items, is a list of width values separated by space. The format is the same as the ``size`` parameter of the `put_row()` function. :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` """ return _row_column_layout(content, flow='row', size=size, scope=scope, position=position).enable_context_manager()
def _row_column_layout(content, flow, size, scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: if not isinstance(content, (list, tuple, OutputList)): content = [content] if not size: size = ' '.join('1fr' if c is not None else '10px' for c in content) content = [c if c is not None else put_html('<div></div>') for c in content] for item in content: assert isinstance(item, Output), "put_row()/put_column()'s content must be list of put_xxx()" style = 'grid-auto-flow: {flow}; grid-template-{flow}s: {size};'.format(flow=flow, size=size) tpl = """ <div style="display: grid; %s"> {{#contents}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/contents}} </div>""".strip() % html.escape(style, quote=True) return put_widget(template=tpl, data=dict(contents=content), scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('content') def put_grid(content, cell_width='auto', cell_height='auto', cell_widths=None, cell_heights=None, direction='row', scope=None, position=OutputPosition.BOTTOM) -> Output: """Output content using grid layout :param content: Content of grid, which is a two-dimensional list. The item of list is ``put_xxx()`` call or ``None``. ``None`` represents the space between the output. The item can use the `span()` to set the cell span. :param str cell_width: The width of grid cell. :param str cell_height: The height of grid cell. :param str cell_widths: The width of each column of the grid. The width values are separated by a space. Can not use ``cell_widths`` and ``cell_width`` at the same time :param str cell_heights: The height of each row of the grid. The height values are separated by a space. Can not use ``cell_heights`` and ``cell_height`` at the same time :param str direction: Controls how auto-placed items get inserted in the grid. Can be ``'row'``(default) or ``'column'`` . | ``'row'`` : Places items by filling each row | ``'column'`` : Places items by filling each column :param int scope, position: Those arguments have the same meaning as for `put_text()` The format of width/height value in ``cell_width``,``cell_height``,``cell_widths``,``cell_heights`` can refer to the ``size`` parameter of the `put_row()` function. :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: put_grid :summary: `put_grid()` usage put_grid([ [put_text('A'), put_text('B'), put_text('C')], [None, span(put_text('D'), col=2, row=1)], [put_text('E'), put_text('F'), put_text('G')], ], cell_width='100px', cell_height='100px') """ assert direction in ('row', 'column'), '"direction" parameter must be "row" or "column"' lens = [0] * len(content) for x in range(len(content)): for y in range(len(content[x])): cell = content[x][y] if isinstance(cell, span_): for i in range(cell.row): lens[x + i] += cell.col css = 'grid-row-start: span {row}; grid-column-start: span {col};'.format(row=cell.row, col=cell.col) elem = put_html('<div></div>') if cell.content is None else cell.content content[x][y] = else: lens[x] += 1 if content[x][y] is None: content[x][y] = put_html('<div></div>') # 为长度不足的行添加空元素 # Add empty elements for rows with insufficient length m = max(lens) for idx, i in enumerate(content): i.extend(put_html('<div></div>') for _ in range(m - lens[idx])) row_cnt, col_cnt = len(content), m if direction == 'column': row_cnt, col_cnt = m, len(content) if not cell_widths: cell_widths = 'repeat({col_cnt},{cell_width})'.format(col_cnt=col_cnt, cell_width=cell_width) if not cell_heights: cell_heights = 'repeat({row_cnt},{cell_height})'.format(row_cnt=row_cnt, cell_height=cell_height) css = ('grid-auto-flow: {flow};' 'grid-template-columns: {cell_widths};' 'grid-template-rows: {cell_heights};' ).format(flow=direction, cell_heights=cell_heights, cell_widths=cell_widths) tpl = """ <div style="display: grid; %s"> {{#contents}} {{#.}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/.}} {{/contents}} </div>""".strip() % html.escape(css, quote=True) return put_widget(template=tpl, data=dict(contents=content), scope=scope, position=position)
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('contents') def output(*contents): """Placeholder of output ``output()`` can be passed in anywhere that ``put_xxx()`` can passed in. A handler it returned by ``output()``, and after being output, the content can also be modified by the handler (See code example below). :param contents: The initial contents to be output. The item is ``put_xxx()`` call, and any other type will be coverted to ``put_text(content)``. :return: An OutputHandler instance, the methods of the instance are as follows: * ``reset(*contents)`` : Reset original contents to ``contents`` * ``append(*contents)`` : Append ``contents`` to original contents * ``insert(idx, *contents)`` : insert ``contents`` into original contents. | when idx>=0, the output content is inserted before the element of the ``idx`` index. | when idx<0, the output content is inserted after the element of the ``idx`` index. Among them, the parameter ``contents`` is the same as ``output()``. :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: output :summary: `output()` usage hobby = output(put_text('Coding')) # equal to output('Coding') put_table([ ['Name', 'Hobbies'], ['Wang', hobby] # hobby is initialized to Coding ]) ## ---- hobby.reset('Movie') # hobby is reset to Movie ## ---- hobby.append('Music', put_text('Drama')) # append Music, Drama to hobby ## ---- hobby.insert(0, put_markdown('**Coding**')) # insert the Coding into the top of the hobby """ class OutputHandler(Output): """ 与 `Output` 的不同在于, 不会在销毁时(__del__)自动输出 The difference with `Output` is that `OutputHandler` will not automatically output when destroyed (__del__) """ def __del__(self): pass def __init__(self, spec, scope): super().__init__(spec) self.scope = scope @safely_destruct_output_when_exp('outputs') def reset(self, *outputs): clear_scope(scope=self.scope) self.append(*outputs) @safely_destruct_output_when_exp('outputs') def append(self, *outputs): for o in outputs: if not isinstance(o, Output): o = put_text(o) o.spec['scope'] = scope2dom(self.scope) o.spec['position'] = OutputPosition.BOTTOM o.send() @safely_destruct_output_when_exp('outputs') def insert(self, idx, *outputs): """ idx可为负 idx can be negative """ direction = 1 if idx >= 0 else -1 for acc, o in enumerate(outputs): if not isinstance(o, Output): o = put_text(o) o.spec['scope'] = scope2dom(self.scope) o.spec['position'] = idx + direction * acc o.send() contents = [c if isinstance(c, Output) else put_text(c) for c in contents] dom_name = random_str(10) tpl = """<div class="{{dom_class_name}}"> {{#contents}} {{#.}} {{& pywebio_output_parse}} {{/.}} {{/contents}} </div>""" out_spec = put_widget(template=tpl, data=dict(contents=contents, dom_class_name=scope2dom(dom_name, no_css_selector=True))) return OutputHandler(Output.dump_dict(out_spec), ('.', dom_name))
[docs]@safely_destruct_output_when_exp('outputs') def style(outputs, css_style) -> Union[Output, OutputList]: """Customize the css style of output content .. deprecated:: 1.3 See :ref:`User Guide <style>` for new way to set css style for output. :param outputs: The output content can be a ``put_xxx()`` call or a list of it. :type outputs: list/put_xxx() :param str css_style: css style string :return: The output contents with css style added: Note: If ``outputs`` is a list of ``put_xxx()`` calls, the style will be set for each item of the list. And the return value can be used in anywhere accept a list of ``put_xxx()`` calls. :Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: style-deprecated :summary: `style()` usage style(put_text('Red'), 'color:red') ## ---- style([ put_text('Red'), put_markdown('~~del~~') ], 'color:red') ## ---- put_table([ ['A', 'B'], ['C', style(put_text('Red'), 'color:red')], ]) ## ---- put_collapse('title', style([ put_text('text'), put_markdown('~~del~~'), ], 'margin-left:20px')) """ import warnings warnings.warn("`` is deprecated since v1.3 and will remove in the future version, " "use `put_xxx(...).style(...)` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple, OutputList)): ol = [outputs] else: ol = outputs outputs = OutputList(outputs) for o in ol: assert isinstance(o, Output), 'style() only accept put_xxx() input' o.spec.setdefault('style', '') o.spec['style'] += ';%s' % css_style return outputs
[docs]def close_popup(): """Close the current popup window. See also: `popup()` """ send_msg(cmd='close_popup')
[docs]def toast(content, duration=2, position='center', color='info', onclick=None): """Show a notification message. :param str content: Notification content. :param float duration: The duration of the notification display, in seconds. `0` means not to close automatically (at this time, a close button will be displayed next to the message, and the user can close the message manually) :param str position: Where to display the notification message. Available values are `'left'`, `'center'` and `'right'`. :param str color: Background color of the notification. Available values are `'info'`, `'error'`, `'warn'`, `'success'` or hexadecimal color value starting with `'#'` :param callable onclick: The callback function when the notification message is clicked. The callback function receives no parameters. Note: When in :ref:`Coroutine-based session <coroutine_based_session>`, the callback can be a coroutine function. Example: .. exportable-codeblock:: :name: toast :summary: `toast()` usage def show_msg(): put_text("You clicked the notification.") toast('New messages', position='right', color='#2188ff', duration=0, onclick=show_msg) """ colors = { 'info': '#1565c0', 'error': '#e53935', 'warn': '#ef6c00', 'success': '#2e7d32' } color = colors.get(color, color) callback_id = output_register_callback(lambda _: onclick()) if onclick is not None else None send_msg(cmd='toast', spec=dict(content=content, duration=int(duration * 1000), position=position, color=color, callback_id=callback_id))
clear_scope = clear
[docs]def use_scope(name=None, clear=False, create_scope=True, **scope_params): """Open or enter a scope. Can be used as context manager and decorator. See :ref:`User manual - use_scope() <use_scope>` :param str name: Scope name. If it is None, a globally unique scope name is generated. (When used as context manager, the context manager will return the scope name) :param bool clear: Whether to clear the contents of the scope before entering the scope. :param bool create_scope: Whether to create scope when scope does not exist. :param scope_params: Extra parameters passed to `set_scope()` when need to create scope. Only available when ``create_scope=True``. :Usage: :: with use_scope(...) as scope_name: put_xxx() @use_scope(...) def app(): put_xxx() """ if name is None: name = random_str(10) else: assert is_html_safe_value(name), "Scope name only allow letter/digit/'_'/'-' char." def before_enter(): if create_scope: set_scope(name, **scope_params) if clear: clear_scope(name) return use_scope_(name=name, before_enter=before_enter)
class use_scope_: def __init__(self, name, before_enter=None): self.before_enter = before_enter = name def __enter__(self): if self.before_enter: self.before_enter() get_current_session().push_scope( return def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ If this method returns True, it means that the context manager can handle the exception, so that the with statement terminates the propagation of the exception """ get_current_session().pop_scope() return False # Propagate Exception def __call__(self, func): """decorator implement""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.__enter__() try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.__exit__(None, None, None) @wraps(func) async def coro_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.__enter__() try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.__exit__(None, None, None) if iscoroutinefunction(func): return coro_wrapper else: return wrapper